Updated 10/12/2022
This document is intended to provide JCYSL families with information that will assist you in Return-to-Play programming within the ongoing situation of COVID-19.
The recommendations rely on a combination of rules and regulations set forth by public health authorities, as well as internal and external experts and other youth sports agencies. Please know that we recognize the implementation of these new guidelines will present challenges for all involved, and AYSO is here to assist our Regions and Clubs in putting these plans into action. Additionally, CDC and WV Governors guidelines for COVID-19 must be followed until further notice as we continue to battle to limit the spread of the virus.
AYSO has created guidelines/booklets for alternative play models and COVID-19 based activities (i.e.: grid work, technique in isolation, etc.) These can be found here.
Some may have guidance on the return of youth sports, but many will not. We understand that this may make it difficult in planning your Return-to-Play strategies, so to that point, our continued recommended course of action will be to follow county and state executive orders and public health guidance with regards to community interactions and access to facilities. The information in this document is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, it is for general information purposes only. As information changes daily with COVID-19, AYSO does not claim or assume responsibility for the entirety of this information.
If you have specific questions with regards to health and safety guidelines for your area, we advise that you consult your local public health officials. Please understand it is vitally important to follow the local orders in place. We will also connect with fellow youth sports leagues in the area to both coordinate efforts and messaging to your families. This coordination will help provide a sense of community and alleviate trepidation that may exist.
Some information that is important for everyone to understand and follow as we return to play for the Fall 2022 season. We have multiple kids playing at different levels, different sports and areas. As the kids return to school the potential to be quarantined. Be advised the league regularly monitors the guidance from both WV Health Department, AYSO National, CDC and local Health Department.
Here are the current guidelines that we are following as a result of the recommendations we have been provided.
If you have been exposed or advised you have been exposed you must stay home for 5 days from the date in which advised of contact. Watch for any symptoms or signs of the Covid-19 virus. If you show any of the symptoms or signs of the virus, contact your local health department immediately and your quarantine period will restart for 5 days from the first onset of symptoms. If showing no symptoms in the 5 days, you may return to play.
If you test positive for COVID-19, you must stay home for a minimum of 5 days from the first onset date of symptoms. After 5 days and with a negative COVID-19 test, you may return to play. Guidelines say you should social distance and wear a mask for the 5 days after a negative test.
In conclusion, even though the young and healthy may experience a less severe case of COVID-19, every case is potentially life-altering or deadly, particularly in those with risk factors. Health consequences may be long- term, which is why until COVID-19 is either eradicated or a vaccine developed, there is no way of eliminating the risk of infection. This should always be at the forefront when designing and considering Return-to-Play programming and clearly communicated to all participants, including players, parents and volunteers.
Overall Standard Practice
- Healthy Participants Only: Any players, coaches, spectators who are sick will not be allowed at practices or games.
- Parents, family members, players and volunteers will abide by local and venue specific regulations.
- It is vitally important that the appointed COVID-19 point person is alerted immediately upon notice that someone has become ill to start the contract tracing and quarantine process. The Region should establish a relationship with their local Public Health Department, where applicable, to assist with the reporting protocol.
Immediate recommendations upon return to practice/play
- Coaches will send pre-training communication to families ensuring that only healthy participants attend and reiterate expectations and guidelines.
- Coaches should maintain social distancing requirements from players and family members. Example grid layout as proposed by WVSA is located here.
- Complete and submit the COVID-19 Screening Form if you become ill for any reason or is exposed to COVID-19. A copy of the form is sent to the Safety Director and he will be in contact with you on the next steps.
- Wearing a face mask is recommended for the duration of the practice while not participating in physical activity.
- If necessary, utilize technique in isolation exercises, grid work, fitness and spatial awareness to limit physical contact between players (suggested content can be found here).
- Adhere to AYSO Safe Haven guidelines, i.e., 1:8 adult to child ratio; minimum of 2 adults present; no adult alone with children other than their own. Whenever possible, adult of same gender as players should be present.
- Ensure all players have and handle their own labeled equipment (ball, water bottle, training disks, etc.).
- It is recommended that the coach(s) should be the only persons handling coaching equipment (e.g.: cones, disks, etc.); do not let parents or attendees assist.
- Hand sanitizer or hand-washing is recommended before and after training sessions.
- It is not recommended to share equipment in use but if necessary, please make sure to clean after training (players will be provided with individual bibs/pinnies or can bring game jerseys as requested).
- Stay positive and create a fun environment in this new normal.
- Serve as focal point, or designate the Team Parent/Manager/Safety Director/CVPA, for notification from team families if a family member becomes ill with COVID-19, tests positive for COVID-19, or comes in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
- Complete and submit AYSO’s Incident Report Form to the Region Safety Director immediately, including team roster.
*A designated volunteer or team parent can be added to help assist coach in accordance with the same health and safety guidance designated for the coach.
At all times:
- Complete and submit the COVID-19 Screening Form if you become ill for any reason or is exposed to COVID-19. A copy of the form is sent to the Safety Director and he will be in contact with you on the next steps.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth
- Spitting or rinsing the mouth with water is to be avoided.
- Cough into elbow.
- Stay home if not feeling well and communicate to the Referee Administrator.
- Ensure your child is healthy.
- Complete and submit the COVID-19 Screening Form if your player becomes ill for any reason or is exposed to COVID-19. A copy of the form is sent to the Safety Director and he will be in contact with you on the next steps.
- Drop off and pick up players with special care given to the presence of children coming to and from the activity and receive verbal acknowledgement from the coach each time.
- Please wait in your car and/or adhere to social distance requirements, based on state and local health requirements and as requested by your coach or AYSO officials.
- Limit the use of carpools or van pools, and limit passengers to household members.
- Wash your child’s clothing after every training/activity (recommendation).
- Sanitize all equipment (ball, cleats, shin guards, etc.) before and after every practice.
- Clearly label your child’s water bottle and personal items.
- Ensure your child has hand sanitizing products with them at every session.
- Do not assist coach with equipment before or after training.
- Check Region and Coach communication regularly.
- Inform parent if feeling unwell.
- Wash hands before and after training.
- Responsible for cleaning all required equipment after each training sessions (ball, cleats, shin guards, etc.).
- Bring and use your own labelled hand sanitizer at every session.
- Do not touch or share anyone else’s equipment.
- No sharing drinks or use of water fountains at facility (players should mark their own water bottles).
PLEASE NOTE: This is a live document and is subject to change. As state and local restrictions and guidelines are adjusted in your area with regards to youth sports, AYSO will communicate how to progress. PLEASE continue to check our microsite for updates
JCYSL Reporting Guidelines